Get Access to Your FREE Anxiety Hack Video Now

When stress or anxiety levels start to rise, follow the simple steps in this video. You’ll feel more calm within 5 minutes. 

Meet Katie Wrigley: Cognomovement Practitioner. Transformational Coach. Podcast Host of The Pain Changer™ Podcast. 

Hey there – I’m Katie. I’m committed to helping people create lasting physical and emotional healing so you can enjoy your day-to-day life again.

In 2017, I hit rock bottom. I had spent eight years in chronic pain, over twenty years ignoring my needs and the signals my body was trying to tell me. I felt hopeless, irritated, frustrated, and anxious.

I had suffered from bulging discs, a fractured T10, a herniated disk in my neck, bone spurs, a fractured facet joint, arthritis, fibromyalgia, severe endometriosis and adenomyosis, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, and more. I kept trying to numb the pain with substance abuse and other unhealthy methods. I had had multiple surgeries with a prognosis of several more in my future.

I knew there had to be a better way.

Traditional Medicine failed me.

In 2018 I fully embraced the desire to live a life free from pain and stress. I started on a new path to healing myself.

And in 2020 I found Cognomovement, which gave me the key to finally ending my pain state. It felt incredible. Life changing. The benefits were so incredible that I knew I had to share them with others. I wanted to take what I learned and help people like you to enjoy life again.

So I became certified as an Advanced Cognomovement Practitioner (1 of only 7 in the world)!

When you transform your stress, and you transform your pain… you will transform your entire life.  

I’m living proof!